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Серце всiєї України!


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Оренда Екскаватора

<p>Наша техніка створена найкращими машинобудівниками, які щоразу підтверджують свою перевагу, завдяки надійності та ефективності обладнання. Экскаваторы</p>


Екскаватор-навантажувач CAT 428
  • Потужність двигуна, к.с.:93/101
  • Споряджена маса, кг: 8480
  • Місткість переднього ковша, м3: 1,03
  • Місткість заднього ковша: м3: 0,34
Екскаватор-навантажувач JCB 3CX
  • Потужність двигуна, к.с.:68,6/92
  • Глибина копання, м 5,46
  • Емкість фронтального ковша, куб.м. 1,0
  • Вантажопідйомність навантажувача/екскаватора, кг 3229/1451
  • Вага, т 8,07

Гусенічні екскаватори

Гусенічний екскаватор CAT 320
  • Потужність двигуна, к.с.: 157
  • Споряджена маса, кг: 20900
  • Макс. виліт/глибина копання, м 9,76/6,62
  • Місткість ковша, м³ 1,19 – 1,3
Гусенічний екскаватор CAT 330
  • Потужність двигуна, к.с. 213
  • Споряджена маса, кг 29300
  • Макс. виліт/глибина копання, м 7260
  • Місткість ковша, м³ 1,76

Колісні екскаватори

Колісний екскаватор CAT M315
  • Потужність двигуна, к.с. 121
  • Споряджена маса, кг 15 700
  • Макс. виліт/глибина копання, м 8,66 / 5,28
  • Місткість ковша, м³ 0,68 – 0,76




Other Inert Materials

Our product comes in different fractions and types and is always ready to ship. The cost of sand depends on the type of material and the volume of the order. We guarantee that you will receive high-quality sand that meets all construction standards and requirements.
Sand is an indispensable material for various construction works. It is used in laying, creating concrete mixtures, various types of plaster and finishing works. We believe that quality building material is the basis of successful and high-quality construction.
Our product comes in different fractions and types and is always ready to ship. The cost of sand depends on the type of material and the volume of the order. We guarantee that you will receive high-quality sand that meets all construction standards and requirements.
Sand is an indispensable material for various construction works. It is used in laying, creating concrete mixtures, various types of plaster and finishing works. We believe that quality building material is the basis of successful and high-quality construction.

Other Inert Materials

Our product comes in different fractions and types and is always ready to ship. The cost of sand depends on the type of material and the volume of the order. We guarantee that you will receive high-quality sand that meets all construction standards and requirements.
Sand is an indispensable material for various construction works. It is used in laying, creating concrete mixtures, various types of plaster and finishing works. We believe that quality building material is the basis of successful and high-quality construction.
Our product comes in different fractions and types and is always ready to ship. The cost of sand depends on the type of material and the volume of the order. We guarantee that you will receive high-quality sand that meets all construction standards and requirements.
Sand is an indispensable material for various construction works. It is used in laying, creating concrete mixtures, various types of plaster and finishing works. We believe that quality building material is the basis of successful and high-quality construction.